Wednesday, March 18, 2009

US Top Cop Soft on Mary Jane

Our new AG has decided that he wants to pick and choose which federal laws he want to enforce. In a landmark decision on the part of the Justice Dept. Mr. Holder has decreed that federal prosecutors will not pursue federal drug charges for distribution of "medical" marijuana unless they have violated both state AND federal law. It is the law of the land that states that the sale and distribution of marijuana is a criminal act on a federal level.
Don't take my word for it look at the AP story here:

On the other hand, he was hell bent on lobbying for the reinstatement of the Brady Bill. As well he was a supporter of the DC gun laws recently overturned by the US Supreme Court.


  1. I'm in an MBA program at the Univ. of South AL & our first class was, "Ethics," taught by a Harvard law school grad & legal eagle. He knows the Att. Gen. pretty well and insists that the fairness doctrine is also making a comeback, even though the admin. has denied this. He agreed that Holder is pro 1rst Amendment for the most part.

  2. I would remind all that Hitler assured everyone that that he would not be taking away anything.
