Sunday, November 1, 2009

Do you TRUST your government?

This of course is an age old question that many of us have long since decided. The answer I and most of my friends would give is a resounding NO!
Is this because we have become so jaded that we trust no one? Is it because we are so skeptical that we see the worse in everything? The answer to both of these questions, as I see it is "kinda".
But not trusting your government is a natural and healthy thing. Our government is a collection of folks just like the ones we work with and for everyday. Do we trust all of them to make decisions about our finances or health? Most likely not. We elect the most attractive candidates to serve us. Not just physically attractive, but as a whole. In doing so we sometimes visit traits upon them that they do not possess, like good judgement, or a desire to put the welfare of others ahead of their own self interests. We entrust in these folks our safety and national security.
I challenge you to ask yourself a few simple questions with regards to Federal government and the current legislative agenda:
  1. Would you trust the Branch Manager of your local Bank, the Manager of your local Starbucks, the Chief Duty Nurse of the ICU at your local Hospital, and 6 of your former high school classmates to decide the fate of the national Banking system?
  2. Would you trust your boss and 5 of your co-workers, the cashier at the Walmart, the greens keeper at the local golf course, and 2 soccer moms to make sound decisions concerning your health care coverage?
  3. Would you trust a UAW Shop Steward, 3 IBEW local members, and Rupert Murdoch to decide our environmental policy?
  4. For those of you that know me or have met me on occasion, would you trust me to represent your interests in Washington? (Please understand this is not a loaded question. I have no intentions of ever running for office. This is just a device to make you think.)

I think that you will find that the questions above bring you to the answer NO in almost every case. Hopefully, especially #4. But if you look at the groups that I put together in the questions, are they not AS qualified to resolve the issues as your current representatives?

You don't know what the IQ of the Walmart cashier is. He/She could be a member of Mensa and working at Walmart as a study of some kind. On the other hand they could be a functioning moron that continues to perpetuate a meager existence out of ignorance. The same type scenario holds true for any one of the folks I listed that are in a leadership position. We all know folks that are in positions of leadership as a result of The Peter Principle or nepotism. On the other hand those in a leadership position may have achieved that status through hard work and/or superior intelligence and talent.

The point is...we really do not know what representation we are getting when we send someone to Washington for the first time. In many cases we do not even know when the come up for re-election, because we do not take the time to educate ourselves.

This is not a partisan rant about either party. This is not a castigation of any one person or philosophy (aside from complacency). I just want folks to ask themselves questions like:

  • Who can choose the doctor I visit better than I can?
  • Who can decide which car I can afford better than I can?
  • Who can decide what food I can buy better than I can?
  • Who can choose my living arrangements better than I can?
  • Who should decide my earnings potential other than my employer and me?
  • Who should decide my sexual partner other than my partner and me?
  • Who can decide how to best raise my children better than I?
  • Who should choose what my religious beliefs are aside from me?
  • Who is ultimately responsible for my actions other than me?

If you answer anything but NO ONE to any of the questions above, I would truly like to have a cordial and in-depth discussion about your answer (s).

The questions above are questions of liberty. If you wish for the Federal government to decide these questions of liberty, do nothing. However, if you feel that even one of these questions strikes a chord with you, one way or another, I urge you to take action and make your feeling known to your representation. Otherwise you will not have been a part of the solution, you will have been a part of the problem.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

US Health Scare

While listening to an interview this morning with an Independent congressman from VT, I began to ponder the current "health care crisis" this country is facing. It made me so angry, I wanted to use barbed wire for dental floss. (Thanks Earl Pitts)

It made me think...Who is not insured and why?

I have been uninsured in my lifetime. I was in my 20's and did not think I needed to spend my money on something like that. I learned quickly how wrong I could have been when I had a car wreck that almost killed me. Even though I was insured at that time, I still had to pay about $5000 out of pocket. Shazam, I woke up to the fact that I was not invincable and need health insurance. From both personal experience and from talking to folks in their 20's and even early 30's health insurance at that age is not a primary concern. If you have it, great, if not, "oh well, I'm healthy" seems to be the attitude. This is a choice made by this group.

There are those in our society that could choose to insure themselves but do not because they are capable of paying for their own health care needs. The folks that fall into this category are not insured because they do not need to be. They look at the return on investment and they are better off using Pay as You Go as opposed to paying Blue Cross Blue Shield $3500 a year. These folks are counted as uninsured and in need of insurance by our current resident of 1600 Pennsylvania St. By the way there were 16.6M millionaires reported by Barklay's Wealth in 2007. If 25% of those millionaires were in the group that did not opt for private insurance, that makes 4M folks uninsured in the US. What a shame. 4M uninsured americans, this just should not be.

These decisions by free people in the United States cannot be tolerated. They must be insured by our benevolent federal government and their health care decisions must be micro-managed and their medical information recorded by yet another beurocracy.

Then there are those that do not have health insurance for "affordability" reasons. Part of this is because, many of the policies offered by an employer, when it is offered, is not what many think is worth it. In many companies that do offer Health Insurance, the HR dept. demands things like $25 office visit co-pays, and $10 prescription co-pays, with no limit as to the number of visits allowed per year. Why does someone working need $25 co-pays for dr. visits? If you get a headache, or stomach ache, or snifflly nose, why would you go to the dr. to be told to go get some Tylenol, Pepto-Bismol, or Benedryl. Common sense has left the building when it comes to this stuff. I do not advocate "gutting it out" if you have a ruptured appendix or some other major medical emergency, the result would not be good.

But can we agree that if you are reasonably healthy and historically visit the dr. for an annual check up and when fever or sever injury are involved, that what was once called a Major Medical insurance policy that covers emergency room visits and hospitalization would be the most appropriate?

Can those that are working and contributing to a 401k afford and actually be in better financial shape if they just paid the dr.'s office the $75 office visit fee and the labs?

It is time we take back control of this country and bring it home. While many of our state and local law makers and representatives are not much smarter than your average bear, we can more easily hold them accountable for their stupidity.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

History just keep repeating itself!

"The United States Senate has long enjoyed worldwide respect as the greatest deliberative body in the world. But recently that deliberative character has too often been debased to the level of a forum of hate and character assassination sheltered by the shield of congressional immunity.

"It is strange that we can verbally attack anyone else without restraint and with full protection and yet we hold ourselves above the same type of criticism here on the Senate Floor. Surely the United States Senate is big enough to take self-criticism and self-appraisal. Surely we should be able to take the same kind of character attacks that we 'dish out' to outsiders.

"I think that it is high time for the United States Senate and its members to do some soul-searching -- for us to weigh our consciences -- on the manner in which we are performing our duty to the people of America -- on the manner in which we are using or abusing our individual powers and privileges.

"I think that it is high time that we remembered that we have sworn to uphold and defend the Constitution. I think that it is high time that we remembered that the Constitution, as amended, speaks not only of the freedom of speech but also of trial by jury instead of trial by accusation.

"Those of us who shout the loudest about Americanism in making character assassinations are all too frequently those who, by our own words and acts, ignore some of the basic principles of Americanism:

The right to criticize;
The right to hold unpopular beliefs;
The right to protest;
The right of independent thought.

"The exercise of these rights should not cost one single American citizen his reputation or his right to a livelihood, nor should he be in danger of losing his reputation or livelihood merely because he happens to know someone who holds unpopular beliefs. Who of us doesn't? Otherwise, none of us could call our souls our own. Otherwise, thought control would have set in.

"The nation sorely needs a Republican victory. But I don't want to see the Republican Party ride to political victory on the Four Horsemen of Calumny -- Fear, Ignorance, Bigotry, and Smear.

"I don't want to see the Republican Party win that way. While it might be a fleeting victory for the Republican Party, it would be a more lasting defeat for the American people. Surely it would ultimately be suicide for the Republican Party and the two-party system that has protected our American liberties from the dictatorship of a one party system.

"As a United States Senator, I am not proud of the way in which the Senate has been made a publicity platform for irresponsible sensationalism. I am not proud of the reckless abandon in which unproved charges have been hurled from the side of the aisle. I am not proud of the obviously staged, undignified countercharges that have been attempted in retaliation from the other side of the aisle.

"I don't like the way the Senate has been made a rendezvous for vilification, for selfish political gain at the sacrifice of individual reputations and national unity. I am not proud of the way we smear outsiders from the Floor of the Senate and hide behind the cloak of congressional immunity and still place ourselves beyond criticism on the Floor of the Senate.

"As an American, I am shocked at the way Republicans and Democrats alike are playing directly into the Communist design of 'confuse, divide, and conquer.' As an American, I don't want a Democratic Administration 'whitewash' or 'cover-up' any more than I want a Republican smear or witch hunt."

This is a portion of a speech delivered on June 1, 1950 by Sen Margaret Chase Smith of Maine.
This was after FDR and Truman had enjoyed same party rule for about 15 years.
Does any of this sound familiar almost 60 years later?

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Tough Love of America

I started something on my Facebook page that will likely make some of my old friends quite upset with me. Whoopie! I sent out an admonishment to all parents of teens that think that the Govt should make their life easier. I challenged them to ask that question to their children and see what answer they get. If the answer is YES, I advise them to drop to their knees and pray to God for forgiveness.

This is the second step in my Tough Love of America plan.

Step one was a follows:

In Sept. 2008 I told my friends and family that I would NOT be voting for Obama because I could not bring myself to do such a thing, but at the same time I had a hope that this nation would elect him. No, I did not want him as president in principle but as a means to an end. We as a nation have become so focused on instant gratification, tolerance, and feel-goodism that we can no longer make the tough decisions required for greatness. So to that end I am now glad that we have Obama and a Democrat controlled Congress. We have turned over the reins of power to the progressives, who now have unchecked authority to legislate and execute the progressive agenda. While it scares me to no end, the misery that shall be visited on this great nation as a result, that is precisely what we need. We need to experience, first hand, what losing liberty really means. We need to experience what happens when we turn our eyes from God in an effort to be “inclusive and tolerant”. We need to feel the pain of the socialist movement.

This is the price that the Post-Boomer generation must pay for our failure to lead, and failure to acknowledge God’s divine providence over this nation. We were raised in a land of plenty in a time when we wanted for nothing. We squandered those blessings and we must now suffer the consequences of our decisions.

Now we come to step 2.

In step 2, we have our opportunity for redemption.
As the parents of the future leaders in this nation, we have a responsibility to prepare them for the world ahead. What world do we want? This past election exposed the liberal leanings of our govt, schools and universities. Our high school Juniors and Seniors are all agog over the idea that we have elected our first Black president. Well that is only half true, literally. As well the Obama movement on college campuses across America was an overwhelming success. Why, because it appealed to the “fairness” argument so many of our students embrace. Life is not fair and the Govt is not the answer to that lack of fairness. We as a society have failed to teach these young skulls full of gray mush that life is hard. Life is not fair and that only though hard work, moral certainty and a belief in the one true living God , can we ever expect to realize the American Dream.

The Step 2 plan is to educate these young people in the facts of life and stop abdicating hat responsibility to the Government. To show them that the Gov’t is OUR servant, not the other way around. We must teach them what our Great Grandparents taught our Grandparents. Those old fashioned ideals that hard work and family are the primary values that will sustain you; even in the toughest of times. And there are plenty of those on the way.

I predict that by 2010 this nation will no longer be the world leader in much of anything other than decline. Our current administration and legislative body have taken it upon themselves to immerse us into socialism at break neck speed.
Our only hope is that we as the parents of the leaders of this nation in our twilight years is to teach them well the values and lessons of our founding fathers. And to instill in them the desire to be free. Truly free. And to love liberty over security at all costs.

This is the key to the taking back this great nation from the transnationalist, socialist, Eurocentric, power mad leaders we have been so stupid as to elect in the last 15 years.

Did we learn nothing from Ronaldus Magnus?

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Daniel Hannan: A shining star across the pond.

About two weeks ago a young Member of the EU Parliament made a speech to the EU Governing body in which he called out the British PM for failing to act appropriately to the economic stresses befalling his beloved country. This MEP was Daniel Hannan. MEP Hannan pointed out what the adults in THIS country have been saying for Months. What is so outstanding about this speech is that it is a speech that every head of state and member of every nations legislative body should be forced to listen to. Here is the speech.
This is the speech of a statesman. Why are John Boehner, Eric Cantor, Mitch McConnell, and Michael Steele not shouting these sames things from the rooftops. They should be in front of every camera that is withing 100 feet of them every chance they get and making every radio appearance they can book. They have proven themselves totally incapable of making any difference in the legislative process to date. We statesmen and they are not delivering. They sound like 3rd grade boys fighting with each other at recess.

Send this to your Congressmen and Senators. Let them know that this is the level of commitment and passion for this nation that we DEMAND!

Monday, March 23, 2009

The Constitution in 4X4 squares

The current leadership of this nation have decided to use the US Constitution as toilet paper. First, they have taken it upon themselves to insert themselves into interstate commerce on a scale that only rivals prohibition. They have decided that they, a band of lawyers and career moochers are far more capable of managing multi-billion dollar corporations than our most successful business leaders. The Federal Gov't could not manage a 2 car funeral much less a multi-national corporation. Their success record is astounding. Amtrack and the US Post Office come to mind. Every competitor of these fine institutions provides a far better and more efficient service than our Gov't owned products could ever do. Wow, we need Barney the Frank and Nancy Crazy Eyes Pelosi running our financial institutions don't we.

Secondly, these pin heads have decided that Bills of Attainder or Ex Post Facto legislation is warranted because they say so. Forget the words in the Constitution that specifically prohibit this action (Article I, Section 9), it was not meant for them. They are far more wise than the dolts that elected them. Those poor schmucks were gullible enough to eat up the balderdash being served during the election. Why should they abide by the oath taken by each of them when sworn in as a Congressman or Senator, we the people that elected them are too intent of seeing who the next American Idol will be to remember what they did come the next election cycle. They will bring home the bacon (translation...pork) about 6 months before the next election and their willing accomplices in the Main Stream News media will dutifully sing their praise so as to perpetuate their hold on power.
I would sincerely doubt that President Obama has the stones to veto the House Bonus Tax legislation.
This brings me to the point that Our Legislative and Executive Branches of Government are abdicating their duty to the US Constitution. In their haste to "Do Something" they have used our most honored and revered document to wipe their dirty asses.

To be totally fair, George Bush did this same thing when he kicked the can to the Supreme Court by failing to veto McCain/Finegold. That was/is an attack on the First Amendment, and our President at that time failed to Defend and Protect the Constitution of the United States against a domestic enemy. He was wrong then, and the current leaders are wrong now in that they are passing legislation in open and direct violation of Article I Section 9 of the Constitution of the United States.

The Tea Party movement that is sweeping the nation, is the Honey Wagon we need to clean out this septic tank we now call Congress. This will not be a clean job, it will not be a pleasant experience, but nothing worth having comes without a cost.

Please bear in mind that the Boston Tea Party was a result of a 1% tax. One Lousy Percent, and our Great, Great, Great Grandfathers went to war against the largest Empire in the world.

Love him, hate him, or have no opinion at all about him, but Rush Limbough wrote an essay about the signatories of the Declaration of Independence.
"Our Lives, Our Fortunes, Our Sacred Honour"
Give it a read. It might stiffen your spine a bit for our task ahead. We face none of what they did.
If there is a Tea Party planned in your area, PARTICIPATE! If there is not one planned, get busy and start one up. You will be amazed at how many like minded folks there are in your community. Call the local news media and make a big deal out of it. Contact Fox News Network, and any other national outlet you think would not be a total waste of time.


Wednesday, March 18, 2009

US Top Cop Soft on Mary Jane

Our new AG has decided that he wants to pick and choose which federal laws he want to enforce. In a landmark decision on the part of the Justice Dept. Mr. Holder has decreed that federal prosecutors will not pursue federal drug charges for distribution of "medical" marijuana unless they have violated both state AND federal law. It is the law of the land that states that the sale and distribution of marijuana is a criminal act on a federal level.
Don't take my word for it look at the AP story here:

On the other hand, he was hell bent on lobbying for the reinstatement of the Brady Bill. As well he was a supporter of the DC gun laws recently overturned by the US Supreme Court.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Outrage and Hissy Fits

The US Congress is having hearings today to discuss the AIG bonus fiasco. The very people that created the mess are the ones wringing their hands and stamping their feet. They had an opportunity limit these contractually sound bonuses in the Stimulus bill. However, in a closed conference committee meeting with the House, Senate, and White House the legislation was removed from the stimulus bill and replaced with a stipulation drafted by Chris Dodd (D) (Conn) who is on the sitting Chairman of the Senate Banking Committee. Why are the politicians who stepped on each other to get to the microphone 6 months ago now grandstanding over 1/10% of the Taxpayers money GIVEN to AIG. As I understand it AIG entered into legal contracts with employees for bonuses based on performance. If AIG and said employees agreed to the terms and conditions of these contracts 2,3,4 years ago, they are legally binding contracts as long as the employees met the terms of those contracts. Now we have our federal legislative branch looking to foist themselves into private contracts. That is a slippery slope. It stands to reason that this would not be the last time they would do such a thing.

We the people of these United States of America should stand up now and make it known to our legislative body that we do not condone this activity. We stand to lose one of the bedrocks of our nation should we not protest this blatant power grab.

These are the same folks that have passed the largest appropriations bills in the history of this nation without so much as reading the legislation. They have admitted this.

Where is it going to stop? We are pissing away the future of this nation every day.